Monday, January 22, 2018

It's What Makes Them Marines

On a recent interview a Marine was asked what he did now in the Marines that he did not do previously. As a Marine will do, he answered the question straight forward and to the point. “We get up at 4am every morning and start our day” he said with power in his voice. He went on to state that there were certain things they did EVERY day, no matter what the weather, how they felt, or any other circumstances. These certain rituals distinguished him the Marine from him the civilian. There was no comparison on who he was or what he could accomplish.

This is what made them Marines.

On our recent ChiroPassion Mastermind in Italy a similar answer to a similar question was given. As we sat at Dr. Joe Borio’s villa he asked superstar ChiroPassion client Dr. Chad Wells why did he think his practice (and therefore LIFE) has grown. Dr. Wells went on to say that there were certain things he did every day to set his mind right, get his body ready, get his vision of what can be done ready, and keep it that way.

Sound familiar?
If you want to grow your practice and therefore grow your life then it is essential that you start with certain rituals EVERY MORNING that allows you to have mind set of success, a vision to see it through, and the tools to accomplish this.
But it has to start with YOU every morning going through what we in ChiroPassion call the “Pre-Flight Check List”. Just as a pilot has a check-list of procedures that MUST be done before the idea of even taking off in the plane, you as a pilot of a health revolution must also have “pre-flight” check list so that YOUR practice has success.

This is what Tony Robbins talks about. This is what Robin Sharma, Wayne Dyer, and countless other leaders discuss as they know that for YOU to be successful you HAVE TO START YOUR DAY off with the correct head space for success.
When DO you get up in the morning? Just in time to take a shower, jam down some food and get to your office just before your first practice member shows up? Do you think a Marine would do that?

How much do you read on Chiropractic daily?
Do you exercise in the morning to get your mind and body energized? That is when the Marines start exercising.

If you do not have a Pre-Flight Check List the good news is that you can get one, make one, copy one on your own starting NOW.

As a ChiroPassion coach I am asked on a regular basis how to grow a practice. The first thing I ask that person is “How do you start your day?” It tells me EVERYTHING about you and your commitment to success.

Start your day off with a BANG. Start your day off with an incredible opportunity for success. Start your day off with Passion.

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