Monday, January 22, 2018

Setting The World on Fire Using Your Own Matches

Tell me what you are passionate about, and I will show you how to set the world on fire.

These words sound like something you would read in a Tony Robbins or Robin Sharma book. But they are just something in my head. And it is true. 

What ARE you passionate about in your practice? Adjusting kids? Athletes? Families? 

One of the most incredible ways to stoke that passion is to read daily on just what you are passionate about. When you do that you become a leader in your profession on that subject. Brain Tracey states that if you were to read 30 minutes a day on your given subject, within a few years YOU will be the go to person on that subject. 

So...what ARE you passionate about?

The next, and a critically important step, is to be able to effectively communicate your passion. If you had the secret to ever lasting health why would you NOT want to shout it out? Fear? OK, I get that. So how do you overcome that fear? 

Fear is another word for lack of certainty. How do you get certainty? First, read daily, and secondly, practice talking about your subject or answering questions. 
Here is your homework: write down the questions you may have, or have had on your chosen subject on a 5x7 card. Then take 10 minutes a day and pull a card out and answer the question. Record yourself the first few times to hear what you sound like. You may be surprised or appalled. Either way, practice making these key points flow out of you in an effective and concise manner. It takes practice. But if you are investing the 30 minutes a day to be the leader in your field, why not take another 10 to be able to best communicate WHY you are the leader. 

We all have the same amount of time each day. Leaders practice being leaders. 

So tell me...what ARE you passionate about?

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